Electronic Repair
Acom knows that your equipment availability is critical to your organization, and we respect that by minimizing our turn-around time. You will be surprised at our fast response.
We keep up with the latest technology and regulations in order to be in the front line of service giving to your organizations’ equipment specifications.
Our highly trained technical staff prides themselves on educating and advising our customers on how to improve the quality and performance of their equipment. We have the expertise to handle all aspects of repair including testing, dismantling, refurbishing, firmware upgrades (where applicable) and re-calibration. Just send it to our laboratories, and we will quote it with no cost.

Acom Repair Working Methodology
Step 1
Review of past “Failed” calibration certificate with Out of Tolerance data (OOT).
Customer problem description.
If OOT occurs while we are calibrating at our customers site, the metrologist will either recommend that we take the failed equipment back to our Milpitas lab for further evaluation or advise the unit is Beyond Economical Repair (BER).
Step 2
Once the failed equipment arrives at our Milpitas lab it scheduled for a repair metrologist to review previous failed cert/problem description. Once review is complete the unit will be opened and tested for which component(s)/parts have failed.
Are replacement parts available (Yes/No)
Is the estimated cost to repair Beyond Economical Repair (BER)?
If Yes, advise customer that the cost/of repair is Beyond Economical Repair.
If No, repair metrologist will order replacement parts.
Step 3
Once replacement part(s) arrive at our Milpitas lab, Acom to schedule a repair metrologist to change out the failed part(s) for the replacement part(s).
Does the replacement part(s) correct the problem?
If No, repair metrologist reevaluates to see if additional component(s)/part(s) have also failed. (back to Step 2)
If Yes, customer is notified (Step4).
Step 4
A repair quote is sent to customer for approval to repair/calibrate the unit.
Customer approves quote and submits a repair PO (Step 5)
If customer denies quote, Acom will deliver the equipment back unrepaired without any charge.
Step 5
Once Acom receives the repair PO, unit will be scheduled for recalibration.
After calibration the unit will be scheduled for return to customer.
Acom’s customers know that we are still there for them, after every repair, and after every calibration, in-house or on-site. All repaired equipment is calibrated and/or adjusted and covered by a 3 month warranty.
Quality and Compliance
Acom values customer loyalty and makes sure that our services, products and interactions are of the highest quality and greatest value.
Acom is fully accredited by A2LA Accreditation body for standard ISO17025. Accreditation is synonymous with both quality and competence of an organization, through the use of international standards.
Our laboratories and instruments are traceable to NIST (USA).
Our laboratory equipment fully complies with applicable industry standards and regulations.
Our laboratories, equipment and metrologists are certified and/or accredited to the following regional and international standards:
ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006